计华总部办公楼Plan China headquarters office building

——与自然共生的生态建筑 ecological architecture Exist In Natural

    来自BlueTeam分享的消息。更多关于他们:BlueTeam Appreciation towards Blue Architects for providing the following description:





    Modern office buildings to meet the needs of the basic functions, as far as possible to provide comfortable working environment, pay attention to the characteristics of the building and people's work experience.Jihua headquarters is located in the freeway exit of Qijiang , Chongqing . The southwest side of the field is an abandoned slope park. after the completion of this headquarters will be to use its environmental value, and will continue to urban landscape,And the whole office environment fusion symbiosis with nature.




    Building around the atrium add up to Annular flow as the main office functions on the three steps back and created multiple visual experience and office space.Retreat of architecture will expand office environment to the outdoor, as outdoor activities arena exhibition space. It also set up a slope leading to the park trails, extend the working environment while also open to the public sightseeing.






    The building is made up of two systems. The lower part is a natural kind of cultural stone and the upper part are modern aluminum blind. hiding and emerging will benefit from each other’s challenges.




    项目名称: 计华总部设计
    项目规模: 7,530 M2
    项目位置 : 重庆綦江
    规划团队: BLUETEAM
    参与者: 庞博 刘林祥  赵元


    Name of project:JiHua  Headquarter  Constrution  Design
    Size: 7,530M2
    Planning Leader: BLUETEAM

    Project Label/项目标签


    Design/设计: BlueTeam

    Location/位置:重庆 Chongqing 

    Type/类型:办公 Office

    Label/标签 :灵活 Flexible

    Status/ 建设进度:在建 Under  construction


© Blue Architects